Corrosion proof dowel bar system

The Fibre Dowel is the answer to corrosion! In addition, the material composition of the fibre dowel is non-conductive, which makes it an electrical and thermal insulator. The Fibre Dowel has higher tensile strength than steel dowel bars of an equal diameter. The tensile strength of commercially available steel dowels is 413MPa, while the Fibre Dowels are approx. 600MPa.

Features and Benefits

• Excellent in weight sensitive applications

• Will not corrode under exposure to a wide variety of corrosive elements including chloride ions.

• Provides excellent electrical & thermal insulation

• Is not affected by electromagnetic fields

• Easily transported and assembled at the job site



May be used in conjunction with proprietary dowelling systems such as the Speed Dowel System.

For contraction point applications, Fibre Dowel may be used with commercially available Dowel Baskets.


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